Hylton Nel is a conceptual artist. Perhaps not in the way contemporary art uses the phrase but in the sense that he is an artist who is interested in ideas. The ideas and debates that capture his imagination are idiosyncratic and touch on many spheres, ranging from the history of the decorative arts to literature, visual art and issues in our politicised world. Often the references may not be immediately apparent, especially if the debate on that day was about a particular blue glaze and its meaning in Chinese ceramics, the significance of pattern-and-design motifs on Islamic tiles, the symbolism and form of cats in Egyptian art, the stances in erotic painting on ancient Greek vases, the resonances of Buddhist sculpture or the expression on the face of an African figure, to mention but a few possibilities. For Nel the medium of clay is a means to give his ideas form. The actual making of the form is seldom a challenge; his concern always remains with the idea or impulse that prompted him to realise the form. Over the course of more than 50 years working with clay and glazes, he has invented a visual language that is distinctly his own.
He lives on the outskirts of Calitzdorp, a small town in the Klein Karoo.

‘Things Made Over Time’, Stevenson, Cape Town, South Africa2023
‘This plate is what I have to say’, Charleston, East Sussex, UK2022
‘Bowls’, Stevenson, Johannesburg, South Africa2021
‘Hylton Nel at 80’, Fine Art Society, London, UK‘On the Surface: Contemporary Ceramics’, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, USA
‘Hylton Nel: Plates and Bowls, Old and New’, Stevenson, Cape Town, South Africa2019
‘KKNK25’, Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudtshoorn, South Africa 2018
‘Twenty’, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh2017
‘Hylton Nel: For Use and Display’, The Fine Art Society, London 2015
‘Unorthodox’, Jewish Museum, New York2011
‘The Magic of Clay’, gl Holtegaard, Denmark‘Art is Clay’, IS Art, Franschhoek, South Africa
‘The Birthday Party’, Flow Gallery, LondonFestival Artists at the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudtshoorn, South Africa
‘The Discerning Eye’, the Mall Galleries, London2006
‘Hylton Nel: Recent ceramics’, Michael Stevenson Contemporary, Cape Town ‘Table Manners: Contemporary international ceramics‘, the Crafts Council Gallery, London
‘To Hold’, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
‘Hylton Nel: Recent ceramics’, Michael Stevenson Contemporary, Cape Town 2003
‘Hylton Nel: Recent ceramics’, Michael Stevenson Contemporary, Cape Town 2002
Moves to Calitzdorp, Klein Karoo ‘Hylton Nel’, Knysna Fine Art Gallery, Knysna, South Africa
‘South African Art 1850-2002’, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
'Hylton Nel: Retrospective Exhibition', Standard Bank National Festival of the Arts, Grahamstown; Tatham Art Gallery, Pietermaritzburg; Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, University of the Free State; King George VI Art Gallery, Port Elizabeth‘South African Art 1850-2002’, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg
'Seduced by Colour: The New Maiolica', George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, TorontoKlein Karoo Nationale Kunstefees, Oudtshoorn, South Africa
‘Hylton Nel’, Knysna Fine Art Gallery, Knysna, South Africa
Long House, East Hampton, New YorkIngleby Gallery, Edinburgh
'New Ceramics by Hylton Nel', The Fine Art Society, LondonGallery on the Tyrone, Johannesburg
‘Hylton Nel: a prayer for good governance’, Fine Art Society, London'Gay Rights Re-Writes', Gertrude Posel Gallery, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Moves to Bethulie, Free State1990
‘Hylton Nel’, Dominicus, Rosebank, Johannesburg1989
‘Hylton Nel’, Christopher Farr, London1987
Moves back to Cape Town and becomes a Lecturer at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch UniversitySouth African Association of the Arts, Cape Town
Cape Town Triennale, Cape Town1984
APSA Regional Exhibition, King George VI Gallery, Port ElizabethCorobrik APSA National Exhibition, Durban Art Gallery, Durban
Exhibition, artist’s studio, Port Elizabeth1974-1987
Moves to Port Elizabeth and becomes a lecturer in ceramics at the Technikon Art School1969-1973
Moves to Kent in England, where he works as an artist, art dealer, and antiques and collectibles consultant. Member of the Crafts Centre of Great Britain1968
Moves back to Cape TownExhibition, Dorp Street Gallery, Cape Town
Completes a Diploma in Ceramics, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp1964-6
Lives and works in Cape Town (First exhibition held in 1965) 1963
Graduates with a B.A. (FA) at Rhodes University, Grahamstown1941
Born in N'Kana, Zambia. Grows up in the Northern Cape, South AfricaAttends school in Kimberley where he first works with clay